Diamonds are known for their durability and hardness. The hardness of a diamond can be uneven in different directions. Indeed, both natural and lab-grown diamonds aren’t that much affected by wear and tear like other gemstones. But it is to be noted that diamonds are not unbreakable.
All diamonds have areas where the carbon atoms are not tightly bonded. These areas are susceptible to breakage and are called cleavage planes. Cleavage planes are prone to chip or break from hard impact. Chipping can happen due to careless usage of the diamond ring. In this article, we explain some precautions you can take to avoid the chipping of your diamond.
Regularly Check For Broken Prongs
Prongs are tiny metal supports that hold the diamond in place. It also helps protect the diamond from being damaged. With the prongs bent or broken, the diamond is no longer securely mounted. Loose-mounted diamonds have a higher chance of chipping.
Be Cautious With Thin-Edged Diamonds
If you possess a round diamond with very thin edges or girdles, you should take extra care. Diamonds with some particular shapes are more prone to chipping. You should select a mounting that can protect the girdles of the diamond. Marquise and trillion cut diamonds are examples of such diamonds as they have sharp edges and hence are more prone to chipping.
Tension Settings Are Important
In some diamond rings, the two ends of the ring press against the diamond to hold the stone in place. The only thing holding the diamond will be both ends of the ring. This exerts pressure on the diamond. If you hit such a diamond ring, there are chances of chipping the diamond.
Take Extra Care With Chipped Diamond
You can feel and know whether your diamond has chipped or else you can use a loupe. If your diamond is already chipped, you should be very cautious while using the ring. A chipped diamond is more prone to further chipping than perfect diamonds.
Stay Away From Diamonds That Have A Lot Of Inclusions
Heavily included diamonds are highly susceptible to chipping. Always take extra care while selecting a diamond. You have to carefully examine the diamond for inclusions, especially near the edges. Edges of a diamond that have inclusions near them can easily chip off from the diamond. Clarity grades are provided in the GIA certificate of the diamond and it is always better to purchase a diamond with a good clarity grade.