How Diamond Inclusions Can Be Useful For You?

Artificial Diamonds
Artificial Diamonds
Diamond Rings
Diamond Rings

Inclusions are an undesired factor in diamonds that can reduce the clarity and value of these stones. Inclusions occur when different impurities get trapped in the crystals during the formation of diamonds. There are different types of inclusions present in diamonds. Some of them include:

Clouds and Pinpoints

Pinpoints are a small speck of dust or another tiny crystal found inside the diamond. When multiple pinpoints are found in a crystal, they form a cloud.

Crystals or Needles

When it comes to diamond inclusions, Crystals refer to other crystals getting trapped inside the stone. When these crystals are long and narrow, they are called Needles.

Feather Or Cleavage

This type of inclusion is a result of a void present in the crystal. They can resemble feathers, hence, the name. The visibility of inclusions can increase based on the increase in the size of the feather.

Internal Grain Lines

Grain lines are a result of irregular growth patterns during the development of the diamond. These lines are often colorless and might be subtle.


Sometimes, small cavities can be present in the diamonds which looks like a crack extending toward the inner area of the diamond. This type of imperfection occurs during the cutting and polishing of the stones.


Chips are irregular openings that are usually found on the girdle of the diamond. They are often shallow and small in most cases.

Most diamonds come with some form of inclusion. Sometimes, they might not be visible to the naked eyes. But if the size of inclusions is high, they can be observed with naked eyes.

How Diamond Inclusions Can Be Beneficial?

Lab Grown Diamonds
Lab Grown Diamonds

Even though inclusions in diamonds are considered a flaw, they might be beneficial for you in certain circumstances. Inclusions can reduce the cost of a diamond. Hence, if you want diamond rings for more affordable rates, then getting stones with less visible inclusions might be helpful for you.

Additionally, inclusions are unique for each diamond. Hence, they can be beneficial for you to identify your stone.

Both lab grown diamonds and mined diamonds contain inclusions. But there are slight differences between the appearances of these inclusions. Hence, inclusions help gemologists to identify between natural diamonds and lab grown diamonds.

But when getting diamonds with inclusions, make sure that they are not visible to naked eyes. Diamonds with high levels of inclusions are less desirable, as these imperfections can negatively affect the appearance and brilliance of your stones.

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